Futur Zwo

Herbert von Kaufmann




Mathematician, longstanding expertise in consulting, project management and strategy as well as leadership experience with the management consultancies of PwC, IBM and KPMG, and later in a leading role for strategic projects at MLP Finanzberatung. One of the few leading pioneers in digital work management platforms at enterprise level.

Furthermore, a pioneer and thought leader in digital work coordination platforms at enterprise Level.

Partner within the network of the systemic consultancy Andy Duke, several years of education in systemic organisational development and coaching, ongoing active role within the systemic community of Studio 16.

experienced and licensed in the use of the Andy Duke Wegekompass® for organisational transformation, and, in a special version, for 1:1 coaching in professional and private contexts.

Key Topics

One focus is organisational development at team and organisational level under the broader systemic perspective and the design and accompaniment of respective transformation processes.

Another focus is advising companies on the design of project structures and processes as well as on the implementation and use of respective platforms and tools, especially work coordination platforms at enterprise level.

I also offer to manage complex projects or to accompany them at management level, or to review and recommend changes to such projects.

Futur Zwo - the basic idea behind

Zwo is originally the feminine form for the cardinal number two in German, but today it is rather used to clearly distinguish the number two from three in pronunciation. Thus, Futur Zwo stands for future tense two and grammatically describes (in English as future perfect) the following paradox:

"we look back today from the future to something in the past future that we presume will have occurred in that future. Of course, we also know that things can always turn out differently"

The task is therefore to endure this uncertainty and yet, while describing a desirable future, to create the conditions for such a future to become more probable, but always to expect the unexpected too


since 2021


Freelance in a network with specialised consultants and consultancies and technology partners, part of the network of the systemic consultancy Andy Duke.

Own development: several years of systemic education and systemic practice (organisational development and coaching) at Studio 16 of the systemic consultancy Andy Duke, ongoing active role within the systemic community of Studio 16.

2014 – 2019

MLP Finanzberatung – strategy, transformation & projects

head of the the CC unit "Strategic Projects" at MLP Finanzberatung

Successful implementation of an open and innovative process in customer advisory services over a multi-stage and multi-year company-wide transformation process, combined with a comprehensive cultural change in customer understanding and in the organisation

Introduction of the pioneering, digital enterprise work coordination platform KanBo, for a changed and contemporary way of working and leading in the context of projects and processes, fostering the organisation's digital transformation

Design of and lead in workshops on organisational design with managers and divisional directors

managing a post-merger integration project

since 2010

Own ventures

Founding a limited liability company (GmbH, trade) and in 2012 founding of a fashion label with my partner

2000 – 2009

management & strategy, M&A (PwC, IBM, KPMG)

Management consultancies of PwC (as Senior Manager), IBM (as Senior Manager) and KPMG (as Director)

management & strategy consulting, as well as transaction projects (M&A)

Focus on financial services providers (banks, savings banks, central institutions and state banks, stock exchanges & processing)

national & international assignments

1991 – 1999

Application Development, IT Consulting & ERP Systems

PwC Consulting & predecessor firms

IT application development and ERP consulting (SAP R/3) at building societies, development institutions & commercial banks, project management migration and implementation projects

1983 – 1991

Study Mathematics & Computer Science

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

With interruptions, graduated with a diploma

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